Bogboy TV series
26 x 5'
Target Audience
The series follows the offbeat adventures of a boy on a bog where routine tasks are a springboard for whimsical encounters. With its mingled sense of familiarity and timelessness, the bog becomes a blank canvas on which to express boundless creativity.
The bog is shared by a motley assortment of distinctive personalities, from the commonplace to the extraordinary. Bogboy reflects the joys and frustrations of children everywhere as he meets the challenges of the bog head-on. Each off-the-wall storyline is shaped by an authentic childhood experience. Taking the triumph of the imagination as its primary concern, the series explores themes of innocence, authenticity and engagement with nature.
The playful charm of the series is captured through a retro, hand-crafted aesthetic. Easy-to-follow storylines combine with a wordless pantomime style for a timeless cartoon that resonates deeply with young audiences.